May 25, 2010

Korean Toothpaste

After all of these sweet posts, it's time to clean things up around here. Luckily I have some of this excellent Korean toothpaste, 2080.

I was taking a look at the packaging, and noticed that they have a slogan translated to English on the label:

"Keep the 20 healthy teeth till 80 years old." Ahhh, that's nice. W....wait a second here. Isn't there something wrong with this? 20 teeth? 80 years old? I took the time to count my teeth, and theres definitely 28. And do I want teeth if I make it past 80? Maybe, you know. I don't want to rule it out.

Anyway, I think this slogan may just be way outdated, but it's one of those hilarious things you notice while living in Korea.

1 comment:

  1. I know the slogan(?) in Korean, and it should have been "Keep the healthy teeth in your 20's until your 80's".
