November 03, 2009

Swine Flu and More Halloween, Too

So the storm of swine flu has reached Korea, and the fear has reached ridiculous heights. My worst fear has happened, every teacher is now required to wear a mask while at work. Come on. Seriously? I consider wear a mask to be more inconvenient that getting a light case of the flu for a few days. Besides, it's actually pretty important that the kids have the ability to see our mouths while we are speaking.

One possible bright side: the schools in the area might close in order to stop the spreading. I would not mind one bit having a week off. So, do I dare say hooray swine flu?

And here is me in a mask, in case anyone was wondering.
Does it help bring out my blue eyes?

I just have to say why, Chorizo, why did you have to bring this terrible curse on the world?

OK, I'll lighten the mood with pictures of some halloween activities. For all of my afternoon classes last Friday I had them paint some little oranges with acrylic paint to look like jack-0-lanterns. There is no better way to kill a half an hour.
Age 8 kids

One of my favs from that class

Age 9 kids, who seem to lack any creativity.

Age 11 kids

another favorite

and another good one

One of the strange things I've noticed is the fact that in general the smart kids who study hard show little to no creativity, while the horrible students make the great art work. Have any other teachers noticed this?

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