So posts have been scarce around here; I know it's been maybe a week without one. I guess I've been pretty and then when I feel like I should write one I'm like oh maybe I'll watch an episode of South Park first. Then it never happens. Anyway, I've got about five posts planned for this week so I hope everyone checks back soon.
I went back to check on the bicycle that I reclaimed from the river, and it was gone. I checked back one week later so I imagine either the owner got it or it was stolen.
We're entering the pleasant fall season in Korea, so the leaves have changed. There's some nice colors to enjoy and some great pictures to be had, so I'm going to try to find them. Here's one with some brilliant coloring:

On my way back from checking on the bicycle I went through this park with these really great trees. They all grow needles at the top so it makes a canopy to walk under. These trees don't come up straight when they grow, either. Many of them have a spiral to their stature which makes it really neat to walk through this park.
Those squirrels are adorable, I want one as a pet!