October 29, 2010

Look! More Mascots and Signs

It looks like this will be my last post in October, so I wanted to end October with a bang. This is another post from my August trip to Busan. Busan is a really great city to visit, and has some absolutely spectacular mascots and some mind-boggling signs. If anyone has ideas for alternate captions, post them in the comments and if I like it I'll bring you something from Korea.

"This is my fifth aneurysm and yet I keep coming back for more!"

"I'll lay down so you can take a bite of my delicious back meat."

"Orange train wins again!"

"Migrain chicken is amazing..."

"Quiet please while us monks do our bidness."

"Mexican is best tasting nationality."

I have no idea what this sign could be about. If anyone reads this who is Korean please let me know if you can translate.

Okay, I'm trying to think if this is a typo, but I can't possibly think of a typo that would bring the word crotch into the description of something served at a restaurant.


  1. The one with the fox could say "If I concentrate really hard I can make delicious deep fried food appear"

  2. The second to last mascot is a part of an ad for the 'anal surgery' hospital. They treat piles, etc.:) Korean people are eating more and more meat compared to the past, and the people who have piles or anal-related disease(?) are increasing.

  3. The 'crotch' is just a wrong translation. It should be an angler (or frogfish). It's called 아귀(or 아구, pronounced Ah-gui, or Ah-goo) in Korean. If you go to google dictionary, and choose Korean<>English and search 아귀, you can find both the crotch and angler. They are homonyms.
