Last Sunday was quite a day. Seven of us woke up early and caught a two hour bus ride followed by a half hour bus ride. This brought us to a park ourside of Seoul which features bungee jumping; sweet, sweet bungee jumping.
We got to the bungee jumping stand at about 1:25 and booked reservations, which ended up being at 1:30. At least this way we didn't have a lot of time to think it over before we took the 45 meter drop. That should be about a 15 story drop, which is from a platform above a lake, pictured below:

We decided the order by a large, elaborate round of rock-scissors-paper, which I lost every round of and hence was set to jump last. Kelsey and Lucas ended up going up to the platform first to jump. Unfortunately Kelsey jumped while I was in the elevator so I don't have any pictures of her. Here is a picture of Joe, looking really nervous for his jump:

Before jumping, we decided to each shout a catch phrase while falling. This way if we died we would have last words for others to remember us by. Spencer yelled "I'm a big deal," I yelled "Zeppelin rules," and Joe yelled "Durka Durka." Lucas didn't prepare his phrase, so he unintentionally said "holy crap" while stepping off of the platform. By far the best was Rachel's because we encourage her to yell some swear words.
Anyway, here is video of my jump:
It was definitely a great time to make the leap from the platform. Really exhilarating. The most awkward part was landing in the boat because I wanted my feet to land and stay there, but I was still bouncing.
Now here is Rachel's jump, you can hear her swear words pretty clearly, so cover up any children's ears while viewing:
Rachel defnitely looks proud of herself after her jump, as she should:

I'm glad I didn't know about this until after it was over!