A few months ago, our Korean town was lucky enough to gain a world class pianist. His name is Philip Thomson, who studied at Julliard and is on sabbatical from the Univeristy of Ohio in Akron. Philip played a show at a local church in Seosan, and many of us foreigners were lucky enough to see him preform a lot of Franz Liszt pieces.
I thought it was cool just to be able to see a guy play who has a picture like this:

He played his Liszt songs, which were really amazing. His hands flew all over the keyboard. Unfortunately, the video quality of what I took is not very good, so I won't put it on here. There is one video at the end, so keep reading!
The only problem during the show was that these Korean people would not shut off their cell phones, despite being reminded to at the beginning. At least four different songs were interrupted by ringtones. I have a message for the people of Seosan, Korea:
Grow up you freaking idiots. You are listening to a world class musician who is nice enough to play a free show for you and you can't put your phone on vibrate? Not even after a warning? Not even after one, two, three other phones go off? How are you dense enough to not just hold down one button on your phone for three seconds to enable vibrate? Get a clue and pull your heads out of your asses because you people disgust me.
Anyway, nobody from Seosan will probably read that so I might as well move on with more pleasant topics. At the end he took a group photo with the other performers; a pianist on the left, two singers, and then on the right was the MC. I think he is a pastor there or something:
He did end up playing an encore for the people standing around after the show, which I taped. I don't know the name of the song, or the composer, but I do know it's by a Brazilian. Anyway, enjoy:
Hi! I just stumbled across your blog while looking online for information about Seosan, I will be moving there in June to teach! Are you still teaching there? I also saw that you lived in Wisconsin, that's awesome,I am living in Milwaukee right now! If you have the time, any tips or information on the city would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!