Straight up warning to start this one out, this will be the most boring post of all time. It's hard to not make the most boring post of all time when it's about the most boring museum of all time.
Anyway, I made my way to Seoul with my friend Michael to visit the Kimchi Museum, buy some books, and go out drinking with some Irish people. A little more about the fun stuff later.

As for the history of kimchi, it's been made for centuries. They never even had really good spicy kimchi until someone started importing Mexican chili peppers. That's pretty interesting I guess.
The storage of kimchi is mildly interesting. It has to be kept at a somewhat constant temperature, so they used to bury it underground in the winter under a teepee.
There's a lot of different types of kimchi, too. Look at them all. There's probably a lot more than this in fact.

There was a nice photo opp with an old Korean woman made out of wax. Kimchi is so popular here that instead of saying cheese to get the kids to smile for a photograph, they say kimchi. Kimchi!

It turns out when you eat kimchi, you eat this little guy with a green hat and he kicks the crap out of germs or whatever that is pictured here.

Kimchi is pretty popular, despite the boringness of the museum. Koreans are so attached to their kimchi, in fact, that they will usually pack some with them while on vacation. They never want to go even a day without precious kimchi.
Here's the comment sheet about kimchi:

So after leaving the museum, we went to meet up with some of Michael's Irish friends in Hondae to eat some Vietnamese food and do some drinking. It was a pretty ridiculous time while we went to this bar called Ho Bar III. We were ordering rounds of beer ten at a time and each person would buy a round. When my turn came up I was like "goody, a round of ten." It turned out the beer was only 1900 won apiece, so each round came to 19,000 won, which is $16.50 in USD. Pretty awesome. We drank them out of at least three different types of beer. Good Night.

So after leaving the museum, we went to meet up with some of Michael's Irish friends in Hondae to eat some Vietnamese food and do some drinking. It was a pretty ridiculous time while we went to this bar called Ho Bar III. We were ordering rounds of beer ten at a time and each person would buy a round. When my turn came up I was like "goody, a round of ten." It turned out the beer was only 1900 won apiece, so each round came to 19,000 won, which is $16.50 in USD. Pretty awesome. We drank them out of at least three different types of beer. Good Night.
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