So I know that I haven't been doing a lot of blog posts lately, and this is not going to help. Meet my new neighbor who moved in at 8:00 sharp this Sunday morning. And I mean with a bang. And I mean I woke up with the noise and the apartment shaking after going to bed at about 4 that morning.

This, to loyal blog readers, may be known as the spot where a building was removed in the morning before I went to Thailand. Now they are finally putting something up which is good, I only pray that they finish soon. Who knows how fast this project can go when there seem to be two men working on the project, the guy operating the crane, and the guy who helps navigate the posts who wears only safety glasses and a sun hat for protection. That's my belief too, that helmets just slow things down.

Things are going well otherwise, the weather has cooled here, especially at night. I like this new fall season because the days aren't as hot.
Teaching is going well, I am learning to be more strict while still trying to remain fun and friendly with the students. My favorite form of punishment is to force them to stand in the corner in time out and sometimes force them to stay one minute after class like that. I know it kills them because they want to run out of class so badly when it' over.
My only real problem lately is that my throat has been sore. I attribute it to the fact the I talk now more than I really ever have in my life and I think my vocal chords are adjusting. The part that stinks is that I start to recover at night or on the weekends, but as soon as I'm back in class it starts right back drying out and hurting.
Well, tonight is an exciting time, because I go to visit cousin Jennifer in Seoul. I only get to spend between when their plane lands at 8:00 tonight until 9:00 tomorrow morning, but I'm sure well get little sleep and have a great time. At least then I'll have a little more fodder for the blog. We'll see if any of it overlaps into her blog (which now features all correctly oriented photographs by the way).
Brad, it sounds like you need to start practicing some good vocal hygiene! Evening and weekend breaks aren't going to hack it, and you won't eventually adjust unless you take other aspects of your voice use into consideration! Teachers are often in our top group of voice clients! Water, water, water is the easiest practice to consider since you can carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go(especially since one of your primary complaints is dryness)!! Look at this link below for more things you can do to help your voice, and prevent further complications! Take care, and Good luck!!
HA HA HA. I love the part about the correclty oriented photos. I have gotten better about that haven't I?