I got around to having pizza for my first time since in Korea, having gone three weeks without. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure that is my longest stretch ever without eating pizza. I went with two Korean friends and we ordered this really great pie with a white sauce, spinach, chicken, and ranch sauce on top. Add to that, sweet potato stuffing in the crust. Now THAT is something they should export to the states. Oh, the pizza did cost 32,000 Korean Wan (ouch). I don't even want to convert that total to dollars.
My favorite part, though, this take home bag:

Mr. Pizza's slogan is 'Love for Women.' Why? I don't know.
Speaking of very girly things, behold, my bed:

It doesn't get any more sissy than a pink mattress cover, purple pillows, and a white, light blue, and pink bedspread.
Was that take out bag just for Americans?
ReplyDeleteThat take out bag is for Koreans, too. its weird.
ReplyDeleteAn English version of the menu says that women are "raving" about Mr. Pizza because it's "100% fresh, 100% chewy, and 100% wholesome." -K.Davies
ReplyDeleteThe menu also states Mr. Pizza "satifies even the pickiest taste buds. Our taste and quality received the stamp of approval from women consumers of Korea." -K.Davies
ReplyDeleteLastly, it shows a graph that depicts how Mr. Pizza was "voted best pizza by college girls." I suppose their slogan, then, is aimed at their target audience? I read somewhere else (may be credible or not) that women in Korea have the upper hand at choosing their restaurant on a date...whether that is true, someone else may be able to comment... -K.Davies
ReplyDeletehahaha, thanks for all the info Kristine!