I figure I better use up the material I have from Halloween since I don't want it to become stale and its already a week past the holiday. Anyway, for those who don't know, Halloween is the biggest holiday of the year at my school. The school is decorated starting in October, then the week of more decorations come in, and then the day of it gets ridiculous. All of the windows are blacked out, a haunted house is made in our computer lab, and all of the kids dress up in costumes.
I'll get to some of the costumes first, and then more on the haunted house later. Here is probably my favorite costume of all the kids. This is a 5 year old named William as a vampire:

Here is 6 year old Martin as a Batman Zoro hybrid I think:

Tom, 7, as some kind of masked vampire (Rex is in the back picking his nose):

This kid as a toy soldier is Kevin, but I usually call him Candy to rile him up:

Lucy as something. Maybe a witch?

So now the haunted house. The kids brought in loads of boxes to make kind of a maze inside of our biggest room. We had about 150 boxes which were stacked to form the walls of the maze, then black plastic wrap is put over all of them. There are a few other decorations inside, including this fortune teller's head inside of a bubble that you can see below:

Anyway, for the haunted house, all of the lights are turned off and the kids are sent to crawl under table thing. Then waiting around a corner was Kelsey who jumped out and scared them. Then they came to the next corner and I jumped out to get them, and they had to go back and go past Kelsey. Then another teacher chased them around the rest of the maze, including one part where I could reach my hand through a hole in the boxes and grab at their legs.
So every kid in the school was forced to go through this thing, which I found somewhat terrifying myself. I would say over half of the kindergarteners cried for their mommies, but it didn't matter if they cried because they were forced to finish the rest of the haunted house. Here is a picture of Joseph while I am scaring him:

Most of the 6 and 7 year olds calmed down, but for some reason the teachers kept going with terrorizing the 5 year olds. One teacher ran into their room in a goblin mask to frighten them while Kelsey was trying to calm them. This went on for minutes, and Kelsey claimed that by the time they finally left them alone, her pants were soaked in tears. Soaked in tears.
So I'm going to leave on a happy note, anyway. My second favorite costume is this kid Alex who went as a male policeman stripper: